For conducting inductive protocols of research, it is a MUST that we connect with Industry, Policy Planners, Practitioners and fellow Researchers for dyadic learning.

Following outreach initiatives are part of the wider engagement for Knowledge creation and dissemination.  

Short term Certificate Programme on Case Teaching and Case Writing, January 03-07, 2020

The prime objective of long duration management education programmes is to develop in  the  participants competencies in comprehension, diagnosis, option generation, evaluation, decision making, leadership, execution and contingency planning in situations involving multiple objectives and trade-offs. Faculty in business schools attempt to develop these competencies by imparting knowledge (contextual, conceptual and behavioral) and developing relevant attitudes, skills and habits. This is achieved using a mix of pedagogies like lectures, simulation, and involvement in   real life projects, questionnaire feedback, role plays and case discussion. The dominant method  in  most  of  the business schools is the case method.Effective use of case method demands unique competencies from the instructors and the participants. Very often, faculty tend to face difficulty in the class and feel dissatisfied owing to lack of awareness of these demands and ways   of responding to them.  It is also noted that one can be more effective in using  case method if one writes cases,  teaching notes and publishes them. Faculty also should be able to recognize the spin off opportunities created by multiple modes  of engagement with the case method to realize their own career aspirations and contribute to the  growth of their institutions.


Specialists and Policy makers across the Globe came together on Monday, 9th December 2019 to share their knowledge and expertise in research and development of tools of social evolution through effective communication especially in the domain of community health awareness and engagement. An emphasis was drawn on an engagement framework as a guiding principle to make health driven communication effective and that leads to a positive impact on human behavior. Exposition through cases and a visual exhibition to exemplify the framework was integral to the workshop.The idea behind organizing this workshop is to bring together a panel of experts from fields who work towards mobilizing and channelizing health information for public engagement via appropriate means and forms for the public beneficiaries. These domains include but are not limited to governments, public health administrations, research institutions and academia, funding agencies, promoters, international and state policy makers, programme monitoring organizations and think-tanks, healthcare providers, social leaders and influencers.

Certificate Program on Marketing of Goals, Initiatives & Causes (MAGIC), December 07-09,2019

The first edition of MAGIC program was conducted at IIT Delhi from 7th to 9th Dec 2019. A good number of participants attended the program with enthusiasm and their profiles were impressive. The participants were from Government, Public Sectors, Corporate, Academia and Research backgrounds. Eminent faculty from reputed institutions presided and presented all the sessions which was appreciated by all.

MAGIC is a new concept in marketing. It takes inspiration from both macro marketing and micro-marketing and makes a perfect blend to create a win-win situation for marketers, consumers, and stakeholders. The purpose of MAGIC is to conceptualize Ideas/Initiatives and communicate them to the public for a larger societal good. The product of MAGIC is profile-centric marketing communication and the output is behavioral change. MAGIC has multiple varieties such as social marketing, cause marketing, public policies marketing, political marketing and marketing not-for-profit.

 NOT FOR PROFIT MARKETING, August 27- 31, 2018

Marketing has traditionally been considered to be a function associated with for profit/commercial organizations but recent developments in the domain suggest that marketing can be applied in the case of public and non-profit organizations also. In this course, various concepts of Public, Not for Profit and social Marketing will be covered along with latest developments in the field.

Objectives of the programme is to understand the specificities associated with the concepts of the discipline as well as how these specificities influence the marketing of these concepts; To identify the results achieved by the studies developed on this topic until now; To critically evaluate the results achieved by the studies developed until now; To apply and adapt the marketing tools to public administration and third sector.

Addressing challenges of youth through spirituality, 02 April,2018

In this lecture session Swami Samvit Somgiri ji and Dr. Ramesh Bijlani talked about spirituality and its effective role in our lives as well as building up confidence and coping with life challenges. Session aims to help youth in unleashing their inner potential and improving the power of mind.

EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME ON BUSINESS MODELS ,03months weekends Programme (December 2017 – February 2018)

A business model is a theoretical presentation of the key activities of a business, its interrelated hierarchical architecture, operations, and financial arrangements structured and developed by organizations related to its core products and services that are needed to achieve a continued sustenance and to attain its strategic goals and objectives.

The objective of the programme is to develop an insight and clear understanding of the conceptual and applicable framework underlying the key systems interdependent to each other that are required to organize and sustain a competitive business. The programme focuses on how to develop business models, thereby planning the core activities, integrating technological advancements and digital platforms. The programme will also help in developing business analytical skills to enhance better decision making to mitigate risks, building up strategies to excel in emerging global market and to resolve problems in a more creative and innovative manner.


There is a rapid growth of qualitative research methods across the globe in last two decades.Qualitative research is now considered as a powerful tool for market research as it provides detailed insightful and descriptive data rather than only statistical and predictive data. This program consists of series of interactive lectures on qualitative research by experts from IITs, IIMs and industry. Earlier qualitative research was used in social sciences. Today these methods are increasingly be used in other discipline such as management, health,education, law etc. The purpose of this program is to develop an understanding of various philosophies underlying qualitative research and further provide the comprehensive view of various qualitative research methods and its application in current research studies


This Conference on Brand Management is being organized by IIT Delhi, India. The Conference aims to bring together academia, industry and researchers from all over the world to come together to interact, exchange views and to support professional development.


Startup Branding and Valuation,Public Sect or Branding,Branding Small,Brand Flexibility,Branding & Culture,Brand challenges,Ethical Branding,Digital Branding,Branding Public Policy Initiatives,Branding India,Branding Health,Not for Profit Branding,Technology Branding,B2B branding,Brand under stress,Brand Communication: Issues and challenges Infrastructure and Priority Sector Branding (Education, Energy & Petroleum)Other relevant areas related to broad themes of the Conference


 International Conference on Telecommunication Technology & Management (ICTTM), 11-12 April,2015

International Conference on Telecommunication Technology & Management (ICTTM 2015) is being organized by Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & Management, IIT Delhi, India. The conference aims to bring together academia, industry and researchers from all over the world to come together,interact,exchangeviews anddeveloptelecomindustry.

The conference would be of two days where several thought leaders and researchers would discuss the most prominent areas of research and developments in Telecom area. The conference organizing committee will include faculty members from IIT Delhi and partnering institutes and as well as members from Government Organizations, Telecom Operators & Manufacturers. Concepts, Papers and Products that develop new ideas or theories, attempt to advance our understanding of real world phenomenon, and/or address any of the key research themes are encouraged. Concepts & Papers may take an individual or organizational perspective.



Department of Management Studies proposes a national capacity building initiative: Academic Leadership Program at IIT Delhi under the aegis of FITT. This Academic Leadership Program (ALP) will be one-week residential program at IIT Delhi for those who are managing Higher Education and Research Institutes at the top most level. This academic leadership program will fulfill the long felt need of building a pool of academic initiators/leaders for institution development. This program envisages capacity building for developing academic leaders, institutional visionaries, change leaders and administrators from various institutes across India. This program also aims at improving the quality of technical and Management Education by empowering the faculty members and administrators with an enhanced skill set.


International Conference on Research in Marketing (ICRM)

This conference is being organized by Department of Management Studies, I.I.T. Delhi, India in conjunction with School of Marketing, Curtin University, Australia and XLRI Business School, Jamshedpur, India. The conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers and experts from all over the world to come together, interact and exchange views and to support professional development.

Papers/ Case Studies that develop new ideas or theories, attempt to advance our understanding of real world phenomenon, and/or address any of the key research themes are encouraged. Papers may take an individual or organizational perspective. The research can be global in focus and application.

Management Development Program on Sales Management,20-21 February 2016

The program is specially designed for people who are in sales & marketing profession. Sales management in global competitive markets has become a challenge and the important activity for organizations to develop competitive advantage. Sale Force is the major growth contributor for an organization and also source of marketing intelligence. The program offers the participants the knowledge to improve Sales Management capabilities and to get greater insights in developing comprehensive sales strategy. Managers will be urged to examine novel ways of looking at marketing and execute strategies that match realities of the marketplace. The course will discuss relevant Marketing and Sales Management issues and examine their applicability for practical solutions.

Continuing Education Program on Branding & Corporate Communications, IIT Delhi ,08 August, 2015 to 09 August, 2015

This is a unique program in which participants will be exposed to innovation and emerging issues and practices of Branding and Corporate Communications. The key to building a strong corporate brand is cultivating an aligned, customer centric culture. And an organization's ability to develop such a culture defines its market success. Leading brands typically foster a culture of brand building where every employee understands their brand's promise and are prepared to help deliver on it. Learn more about these subjects over the program, and understand how to apply the industry best practices in the context of your business.


The objective of this Programme is to give in depth knowledge of both technical and management in telecom domain through lectures, interactive sessions, and discussion.


Basic Principles in Management ,Marketing Management Module (with focus on Telecom Sector) Accounting and Financial Management Module (with focus on Telecom Sector),Human Resource Management Module (with focus on Telecom Sector),Introduction to Indian Telecommunication Industry,Spectrum Management ,OTT & Net-Neutrality



Telecom Policy Group has been established with the aim of addressing various policy & regulatory issues and to provide inputs to the regulator, policy maker and the industry. This group also aims at contributing extensively to the existing body of knowledge in the field of academics by developing case studies and research papers of international standards. Never before the policy aspects in telecom industry has been critical as at present times due to the competitive environment that has been created by the industry and the policy maker.

The major thrust areas of this group would be as follows

1) Consumer Awareness of Radio Signals 2) Financial Inclusion through Mobile 3) Spectrum Audit & Trading 4) Spectrum Management & Allocation Process 5)Telecom Licensing 6) Mobile Data Security 7) Next Generation Access 8) Mobile VAS & OTT Content Services 9) Networks & Interconnection regulations 10) Mergers & Acquisitions norms 11) Mobile Internet & Broadband Services 12) Quality of Service of BTS and CMS 13) Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) 14) Costing and Pricing of Telecom Services 15) Green Telecommunications Many more topics/ research points will be added depending upon the relevance and objectives of this policy group. This telecom policy group will be interacting with various key stakeholders, research and academic institutions to conduct various seminars, symposiums, International & National conferences.

Capacity Building Initiative for Telecom Industry titled " Certificate program on Telecom Technology and Management" under Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management & FITT,Dec 2013-2014

This Certificate Program is a constituent of the technical and managerial concepts of telecommunications with a delivery mechanism that is fashioned at IIT Delhi which will help the students in gaining a holistic perspective about the telecom industry. This program held under the Aegis of FITT is the unique program and first of its kind tailored to address various current issues for contemporary learning. FITT is the Industrial Interface of IIT Delhi. FITT has been in mission mode for effecting the interface between the institute and the industry. It has been devising innovative ways to create partnerships and linkages with business and community to enable knowledge transfer for common good.


Designed DREAM (Developing Research Excellence and Awareness in Management): Research tools & techniques were disseminated to young researchers

On successful completion of the course, the participants will be able to:-i) Explore Emerging areas in Management Research and various Indian institutions/universities offering Doctoral (PhD) research programs in management ii) Understand the nuances of Management Research iii) Evolve a Research Gapiv) Frame a Problem Definitionv) Understand the decision rules to use methodologies

Designed and developed course on Internal Branding & Corporate Communications: In this course 30 corporate houses sponsored their middle level managers for the training at IITD

The key to building a strong corporate brand is cultivating an aligned, customer-centric culture. And an organization's ability to develop such a culture defines its market success. Leading brands typically foster a culture of brand building where every employee understands their brand's promise and are prepared to help deliver on it.

Learn more about these subjects over the two-day program, and understand how to apply the industry best practices in the context of your business.

Capacity Building Initiative for Telecom Industry titled " Certificate program on Telecom Technology and Management" under Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management & FITT,Delhi.2012-2013.

This Certificate Program is a constituent of the technical and managerial concepts of telecommunications with a delivery mechanism that is fashioned at IIT Delhi which will help the students in gaining a holistic perspective about the telecom industry. This program held under the Aegis of FITT is the unique program and first of its kind tailored to address various current issues for contemporary learning. FITT is the Industrial Interface of IIT Delhi. FITT has been in mission mode for effecting the interface between the institute and the industry. It has been devising innovative ways to create partnerships and linkages with business and community to enable knowledge transfer for common good.


Textile and apparel industry is one of the most important manufacturing industries in our country. At present, textile and apparel industry is facing stiff challenges from China and other south East Asian countries. The goal of the program is to empower the technical and managerial executives working in apparel and textile industries to understand the emerging technological and management concepts. It will help them to cope with the transitory technological, market and environmental requirements in a better manner. They will also gain knowledge about the domain specific concepts of technology strategy, product innovation and development, quality conformance, operations and supply chain, branding and marketing.

TEQIP II Sponsored Workshop on 'Case Study Teaching & Writing, 14 - 17 April 2016

Continuing Education Program on Marketing and Sales force Effectiveness for KVIC,05 -07 October, 2015

6th International Conference on Contemporary Business

Branding and corporate communication a part of industry-institute outreach program,60 middle level managers participated.