Engaging youth on health related issues


Youth in India constitutes one-fifth of the total population and plays a significant role as the potential demographic skilled stock of human capital. The youth therefore becomes an important cohort for health engagement. Youth are defined in the age group of 15 to 24 years. Two studies have been designed, one for 15 to 18 years of age (9th to 12th Standard School children), and another for the 19 to 24 years (Students of Higher Educational Institutions).

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Youth Engagement in Schools

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This study has been designed to understand the health related awareness of school going adolescents and assess effect of engagement among them. We had sought and received formal approval from Delhi Government for conducting the pilot project in Delhi government schools. We have conducted health awareness workshops in more than 30 schools, including Government and public schools.


A questionnaire was designed to measure health awareness and intention of youth on multiple themes found relevant for them. This questionnaire is based on the widely used Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire. A multi theme Self- Health Awareness Video was developed to raise awareness of the students. Random sampling of schools and students was applied to conduct the study. The assessment of engagement is being done by measuring the change in the scores of the students’ awareness pre and post engagement.


A Pre-engagement assessment of the health related awareness was performed using the questionnaire in the schools followed by showing the video to the students. Around 5200 sampled students across these schools were engaged in these workshops. The same set of students was then approached with a follow up questionnaire. The data has been coded and in the process of analysis.

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Youth Engagement study in Universities and Higher education institutes

The second study for youth is in progress with the institutes of higher studies in Delhi/ NCR to involve college youth.


  • Baseline questionnaire to assess general health related awareness of college youth was designed based on identified health themes and is being used. We have collaborated with 20 institutions to roll out this study. The themes include nutrition, physical activity, hygiene, reproductive health and mental well-being.

  • An additional survey has been designed with the help of mental health experts. This survey assesses the existing level of knowledge, extent of self-stigma, social stigma and help seeking behaviour and attitude of youth towards mental health problems

  • Awareness generating videos of nutrition, physical activity, hygiene, reproductive health and chosen mental health themes have been developed by professionals.

  • Besides using the videos for providing accurate information on these issues, we are conducting expert workshops using innovative research methods to engage the youth.

  • A post intervention assessment of the awareness and intention will be performed using the endline questionnaire. Difference in the levels of awareness/intention will be computed to measure the effect of the interventions carried out.